Frequently Asked Questions

Simply click on the patient sign up form below, fill it up and submit. Our volunteer onboarding team will contact you as soon as we can.

Yes, our doctors and volunteers will help you find and heal the cause of the returning symptoms. Simply submit the patient sign up form below and a volunteer will contact you as soon as possible.

Whether it is truly from the shot or it is an underlying condition you may have overlooked, our doctors and volunteers will guide/help the best we can. Simply submit the patient sign up form below and one of the volunteers will contact you soon.

Our main operations began in Metro Manila but we have helped heal people nationwide and overseas through the internet. Just let us know where you are and we will try our best to give you the care you need.

Our doctors have their consultations both online and via phone. Simply submit the patient sign up form below and a volunteer will contact you as soon as possible.

Our doctors will charge a reasonable fee depending on your needed treatment. However, our volunteers will never charge you for the monitoring they will do should the doctor ask us to do so. If you are scared of the costs of the possible medicines and laboratory needs, be honest with us and let us know so that we can find ways to help you.

Yes, we accept volunteers who can dedicate enough time to tasks such as patient monitoring, social media needs and other administrative stuff. Please fill up the volunteer sign up form below and a volunteer will connect with you asap.

Yes, we accept donations in kind and in cash. Simply fill up the donate form below and a volunteer will contact you for further details.

Although we became popular for the use of ivermectin in our treatments, we will respect the patient’s decision on the use of this medication. We tailor our program to each patient’s need and decision. You will still have full control over the direction of your health.

Contact Us and Join Our Community!

We’d love to hear your thoughts. Whether it’s a health concern, comment or suggestion, please feel free to contact us through the following: